Better Fuels For A Cleaner Tomorrow

Better Fuels For A Cleaner Tomorrow

Better Fuels For A Cleaner Tomorrow
AFD Technologies
AFD Technologies offers advanced fuel additives catering to different industries. These fuel additives are extensively tested in real life field tests and thus guaranteed to perform as per claims made by us. AFD Technologies can also custom formulate a product as per requirement of the customer in order to meet specific performance criteria. These products not only increase the performance of the vehicle/machine/engine, but also improves fuel efficiency and help in reducing harmful emissions and in turn have positive environmental impact.
EPA Regulatory & Reach Consulting
Formulating & Consulting
Package Consulting
Product Data
T.I. Sheets
Products & Applications
Gasoline & Petrol Additives
- Octane Boosters
- Valve Injector Cleaners
- Total Fuel System Cleaner
- 2 & 4 Cycle Small Engines
- Fuel Stabilizers
- Fuel Economy Improvement Technology
- Fuel Emissions Reduction Technology
Diesel Additives
- Fuel Lubricity
- Total Fuel System Cleaner
- Fuel Stabilizers
- Fuel Economy Improvement Technology
- Smoke Reduction Technology
- Bio Fuel Treatments
Truck & Fleet Technology
Gasoline & Petrol Additives
- Fuel Economy Improvement Technology
- Fuel Emission Reduction Technology
Diesel Additives
- Fuel Economy Improvement Technology
- Fuel Emission Reduction Technology
Industrial Applications
- Detergents
- Lubricity Improvers
- Cold Flow Improvers
- Ant-Oxidants
- Cetane Improvers
- Fuel Economy Improvement Technology
- Fuel Emission Reduction technology
- Bunk C Fuel Treatments
- Fuel Oil Treatments
- Boiler Fuel Treatment & Smoke Suppression
Refinery Applications
Gasoline & Petrol Additives
- Octane Boosters Metallic
- Detergents
- Octane Boosters Non-Metallic
- Fuel Economy Improvement Technology
- Fuel Emission Reduction Technology
Diesel Additives
- Detergents
- Cetane & Detergent Blends
- Fuel Economy Improvement Technology
- Fuel Emission Reduction technology
- Smoke Reduction Technology
- Fuel Oil Treatment technology
- Cold Flow Improver
- Bio Fuel Treatments
- Anti-bacterial & Water Treatments